Gas vs Electric Water Heater

October 15, 2021


When it comes to water heaters, two of the most common options are gas and electric. Both of them do their job, but which one should you pick? In this blog post, we will take a look at both kinds of water heaters and compare them, so you can make an informed decision next time you need to buy one.

Gas Water Heater

A gas water heater uses natural gas or propane to heat the water. The gas burner heats up the tank, which in turn heats the water inside. The advantage of a gas water heater is that it heats up water faster than an electric one. Also, gas is usually cheaper than electricity, so a gas water heater might save you some money on your utility bill.


  • Faster heating time
  • Energy-efficient (lower operating cost)


  • Higher upfront cost
  • Requires a gas line
  • Needs more maintenance (e.g. cleaning the burner)

Electric Water Heater

An electric water heater, on the other hand, uses electricity to heat up the water. An electric coil inside the tank heats up the water. The advantage of an electric water heater is that it is generally cheaper to buy and install than a gas one. It also doesn't require a gas line, so it can be installed anywhere in the house.


  • Lower upfront cost
  • Doesn't require a gas line
  • Low maintenance


  • Slower heating time (can be an issue in large households)
  • Higher operating cost (electricity is usually more expensive than gas)

Which One Should You Choose?

As with most things in life, it depends on your specific needs. If you want a water heater that heats up water quickly and is energy-efficient, a gas water heater might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you want a cheaper option that doesn't require a gas line, an electric water heater might be more suitable for you.


Both gas and electric water heaters have their pros and cons, so the decision ultimately comes down to what you need. Take into account factors such as heating time, installation cost, operating cost, and maintenance before making a decision.


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